We’re looking to host six to eight Lunch & Learns in 2023, which means we need six to eight speakers…could that be you?
When we polled our membership in the fall, we learned that our business leaders want more opportunities to learn from experts on topics that will help them lead their businesses better in 2023. From now through the end of January, we are accepting submissions for speakers and topics to be considered for this upcoming series throughout 2023.
From the same membership survey, we learned topics of interest to our businesses. Some of those include:
- HR trends, recruiting the talent we need, retaining the talent you have
- Sales generation, making connections and best practices
- Leadership development topics for execs and employees
- Social media and marketing trends
- Ways to navigate the uncertainty of our world
If you’re interested in being considered, please review and fill out our speaker nomination form. Speakers must be members of the Worthington Area Chamber and in good standing. This must be returned to the Chamber via email by close of business on Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Our programming committee will review all submissions and will choose the top selections to be featured all year long. Please, note these are workshops focused on educating and empowering fellow business leaders and not a sales pitch.
This Lunch & Learn series is a platform that looks to help strengthen our business community. Local industry experts helping other local business leaders through their expertise. It’s just another way of doing business the Worthington Way!